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Grandma Duck

cantu granna duck ice cream shop

Ice cream shop in Cantù, Nonna Papera. Artisanal ice cream on Lake Como.

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HI! We are Alessandra and Luca, two young engaged couples with the common dream of opening an ice cream shop , a dream that came true in February 2011, with the birth of Nonna Papera !

Over these years we have grown as a couple, getting married in 2013, grown as a family, having a baby girl in 2017, and grown at a professional level, putting in love and passion and the desire to learn and improve ourselves.

Alessandra was a university student and during the summer holidays she worked in an ice cream shop. Thanks to that experience she became passionate about the tasty world of ice cream. Luca is a chef with a passion for cooking , knowledge and research of always different and excellent quality ingredients.

Today Alessandra takes care of the creation of semifreddos while Luca takes care of the ice cream .

Our Instagram is about us, our work, our ice creams and the passion for researching natural , fresh and high quality . We offer our followers a gourmet journey to discover the history , curiosities and secrets of ice cream , and the products we use to prepare it. An educational and growth journey that we want to do together with you. We are waiting for you!


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Hi 👋 I'm Mirko!
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