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Conditions of sharing and image release


“Site”: website corresponds to the domain

“Larius Way”: a project by Digimatica Sagl, a company based in Balerna, in Via G. Corti, 6 – 6828 (CH), CHE-486.451.410, the company that owns the Site.

“User”: any natural person over 18 years of age or local business, who has full legal capacity and who provides the Services sold through the Site.

“Service”: indicates a service offered for sale through the Site. By way of example: experience services of various kinds, etc. Even in the plural form, such as “Services”.

“Content”: indicates any content shared by Users on the Site. By way of example and not limited to: texts and/or reviews, images, videos, audio, photos, multimedia and/or audiovisual content in general. Even in the plural form, such as "Contents".


In order to encourage interaction between Users and the conscious use of the Services, Larius Way allows Users to spontaneously upload Contents to the Site in relation to the Services provided. 

Larius Way declines any responsibility in the event of use of a user's personal data by another unauthorized user. 

the User may not, under any circumstances, share commercial content on the Site that is unrelated to the Site and the Services.

Intellectual property

The Contents published on the Site by the User remain the property of the User who can request their removal at any time by writing to

The User is free to publish or not publish Contents on the Site. 

By spontaneously sharing one or more Contents on the Site, the User accepts that such Contents are in the public domain and freely accessible on the internet through the Site and/or Larius Way's social channels and/or through other directly and/or indirectly connected forms of dissemination to Larius Way. 

The User guarantees that he or she has the necessary authorizations to publish the Contents on the Site, in compliance with the law in force and the rights of private life, personal image, intellectual property, etc. 

By posting Content on the Site, the User assumes all responsibilities, as the publisher of the Content in accordance with the law and grant to Larius Way: i) the right to publish and/or disclose and/or exploit in any way and form, including economically, the Content through any means, without exception, such as, by way of example, but not limited to, print, video, internet , social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more), TV, etc.; ii) synchronize the Content with other intellectual works and disseminate, as under i), the material obtained; iii) insert the Content, even in a reworked form, within other audiovisual and/or photographic content of an advertising and/or commercial nature, authorizing its economic exploitation from now on, without any limitation.

By uploading the Content to the Site, the User confirms that to have given up and transferred to Larius Way, exclusively, all the rights he is entitled to, or may be entitled to by future legal provisions, on the Content, including, but not limited to, the rights of use and economic exploitation of his image and/or voice and/or face, so that Larius Way may freely use the Content, in whole or in part, throughout the world and in perpetuity, with any means and methods already invented or yet to be invented, including for commercial and economic purposes.

the User also confirms that he has nothing to claim based on the above and that he irrevocably renounces any right, action or claim deriving from the above authorized, even if the exploitation of the Content generates profits.

In the event that the Content contains the image and/or voice and/or face of third parties - including users who have purchased and used a Service - by uploading the Content to the Site, the User declares and confirms that it has acquired all the necessary authorizations from the interested parties and undertakes to indemnify and hold Larius Way harmless from any claims that third parties may make regarding the Content.

Responsibility of the User

By publishing the Contents on the Site, the User agrees to relieve Larius Way of any responsibility and to hold it harmless from any direct or indirect damage, cost and burden deriving from the sharing and spontaneous publication on the Site of one or more illicit Contents. 

In particular, the User undertakes to relieve Larius Way of any liability directly or indirectly linked to the publication of Content depicting/containing the image and/or voice and/or face of third parties.

Any non-compliant Content may be removed from the Site.

Personal Data Protection

In order to find out how your data is processed, including that provided through the Contents, you can consult the Larius Way Privacy Policy.

Latest version, November 25, 2023