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Sort Sentee and Cam Waterfall

From Rovenna to Moltrasio, the Sentee di Sort is an easy and accessible walk all year round that offers many views and panoramic points over Lake Como.
Sentee di Sort and Cascata di Cam, from Rovenna to Moltrasio

General informations

The Sort Sentee and the Cam Waterfall: a splendid walk from Rovenna to Moltrasio

The Sentee di Sort is a short walk full of views and panoramic points of Lake Como , the mountains of the Lariano Triangle and the villages below, approximately 2.5 kilometers starting from Rovenna and arriving at the hamlet of Casarico above the village of Moltrasio .

An itinerary accessible all year round with some small precautions in case of rain or in winter, both due to the mud and some slippery points due to the rocks present on the route.

This excursion is also suitable for families with children aged at least 6/7 years old, who must always be under the watchful eye of their parents due to some exposed and narrow passages where you need to be careful.

Starting point of the Sort Sentee in Rovenna

Finding the starting point of the Sentee di Sort is very simple, just arrive by car in Rovenna and park the car at the cemetery, going along the uphill road you will find a yellow sign on the right with the route indications.

At the beginning of the route you will find some crossroads, always keep left until the path becomes one. ( Starting point directions )

What you will find on the Sort Sentee route

During the walk you will find suggestive views of Lake Como in a unique setting where you can take beautiful photographs, and if the day is sunny, the rays of light that pass through the trees will create a magical and relaxing atmosphere.

Along the route there are tables and benches where you can take a short break or possibly enjoy a packed lunch, for the more curious there is the possibility of reading up on the various scenarios found on the Sort Sentee to discover their history and origin.

At a certain point you will find yourself surrounded by various quarries of the famous " Moltrasio stone ", this is the Niasc location, one of the 8 quarries in operation in this town.

The Cam waterfall in Moltrasio, to give a "refresh" to your excursion

After reaching the hamlet of Casarico, follow the asphalt road on the left going towards the "water places", you will immediately find a path that takes you after a few meters to the Cam waterfall or Moltrasio waterfall .

A small waterfall at the end of the Sort Sentee which gives an extra touch to the walk.

Thanks to our Creator Gianluca Corradetti for sending us some shots of the trail.

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